and Show & Tell
Pride City Quilt Guild
Minutes – January 27, 2024
Call to order: 9:35 by Jill Jespersen Please silence cell phones.
Minutes for December 16, 2024 are accepted as published.
Committee Reports:
Welcome & Sunshine: Cathy Ortega
- Attendance: 56 Members Guests: 1 – Shelly Peterson
- Drawing for wearing a name tag: Jo Glenn
- Cathy is in need of buttons with shanks for making the Quilt Show ribbons
Fat Quarter Drawing: Kathy Turner, Kathleen Helm, & Julie Racine
- Next Month: Zoo Animals
Quilt of Valor Pillow Cases: Provided by Barbara Bell
In-House Raffle: Allie Russell
- No in-house raffle today because of President's Table celebration for completed show and tell quilts and projects throughout 2024.
Treasures Report: Pat Rotolo
- As of December 31, 2024
- General Fund: Beginning $8,801.03 – Ending $8,963.34
- Quilt Show Account: Beginning $1,018.50 – Ending $1,018.50
- Raffle Account: Beginning $178.90 – Ending $178.90
Programs: Holly Vigil
- Changes have been made to the programs scheduled due to Sue Turnquist's fall breaking her wrist. Joann's Fabrics will still honor 15% discount coupon for your shopping pleasure today only. See Holly.
- February 17 – Tumbling Block Quilt
- Sign up today (ASAP) so Holly knows how many of the special tool needed can be ordered at $9.00.
- No sewing machine required
- March 17 – Large Tote designed by Nani Kaai
- Holly will need participant numbers for the pattern at a cost of $11.00
- Supply list will be provided – all the fabric cutting needs to be completed before the class.
- Holly will also be giving tips on making the large bag she carries as it is similar to the Nani's Large Tote.
- April 21 – Quilting workshop with Mrs. Moo - $40.00
- Supply list & samples will be available at the February meeting
- Mystery Quilt – Peggy Gonzales
- Next two pages were provided and explained
- Mystery quilt name clue: "Has to do with money or things on a game board."
Love (Charity) Quilts: Diane Sabus
- Thank you notes were read from Nurse Family Partnership & CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). CASA is in need of volunteers.
- 137 quilts were donated to organizations throughout the community in 2024
- Additional kits are available on the piano
- When bringing quilts back completed - return the zip lock bags to the provided canvas bag.
- If members have taken a quilt kit and not able to complete the quilt (life happens), please bring the quilt kits back for another member to complete.
- Quilts can be made larger using member's fabric stash. Keep in mind batting and backing are provided using the standard size for donation quilts. Please return batting and backing if not used.
- Turn labels in ¼" to prevent raveling
- Listed below are the quilt sizes requested for the different organizations: (taken from March/April 2024 Newsletter)
PCQG Donation Quilts (February 24, 2024)
Nurse-Family Partnership: quilts given to newborns, both genders
- Crib size - Guild quilt kits, 6.5" squares, 7 squares wide by 10 squares long (about 42" x 60")
A Caring Pregnancy Center: prefer non gender colors as parents often choose quilt before gender is known.
- Crib size or size of guild kits:
ACOVA (victim's assistance): any size, may be carried in sheriff's cars.
YWCA (shelter for domestic violence): quilts given as women are relocated.
- Preferably about twin size (60" by 75") or larger. Size of guild kits for kids.
Sangre de Cristo Hospice: Patient is given quilt and family keeps it after family member passes.
- Throw to twin size.
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates): give Christmas presents to kids, both genders
- Baby to twin size quilts.
Pueblo Child Advocacy Center: Children 3 to 17 years old, abused disadvantaged adults.
- Guild kits to twin size.
Parkview Hospital Pediatrics: Mostly toddlers to 9 or 10 years old, a few 12 or 13 years old.
- Size of guild quilt kits or a little larger. Same size for cancer unit lap quilts.
Regional Quilt Show: Jill Jespersen reporting for Cass Pearson
- Registration forms are available at today's meeting, as attachment in the newsletter, and on the website. Registration is $8.00 this year per quilt. Deadline is Monday, March 17 which is the March meeting date.
- This year we are adopting Trinity Early Learning & Childcare Center and Misfits Dog Rescue. Donation items are listed in the newsletter or on the website. We will also need your help on Saturday, April 12th to sew pillow covers for the kids.
- Susie Rimsky has donated fabric for pillow covers
- Nancy Shaw has donated pillow forms
- Mary Kay Witte has a pattern for the dog belly bands & sweaters
- Next month, at the February guild meeting we will have signup sheets for the white glove volunteers. If you would like to help with the kid's class (April 4, April 11) contact Cass directly.
- It's nice for white glove volunteers to bring any type of project to work on while volunteering as it engages conversation with visitors to the quilt show.
- Mary Kay Witte is our featured quilter – "Quilts are NOT just for beds." We will have an opening reception on Thursday, April 3 2:00-4:00pm. Come celebrate the show and Mary Kay.
- Plans are pending on the named speaker from Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Saturday, April 5 at 1:00pm. The topic is quilt preservation and restoration.
- Quilt stories should be emailed to Jill when you fill out your registration. If you do not have email, please see Jill.
- April will be here before you know it!
- Nancy Shaw indicated a motion was needed to provide funds in the amount of $120 + mileage up to $250 from the General Fund for the Quilt Show guest speaker. Motion made by Nancy Shaw, seconded by Patti Rodriguez. Motion was approved.
President's Table Drawing Winners:
Charity Quilts (Purple slips)
Marka Rapenchuk Judy Byrne Sharon Sheehan
Carla Miller Kris Sparks Deb Behringer
Cathy Ortega Trudy Aron Janet Zurovski
Tracy Dempsey Mary Beth Shaufler Cha-Cha Hanson
Diana Behling Allie Russell Cass Pearson
Jean Heuton Diane Sabus
Small Projects (Yellow slips)
Carolyn Baker Kathleen Helm Priscilla Palacio
Diane Birner Stana Grant Carol King
Kris McAllister Mary Kay Witte Susie Rimsky
Patti Rodriguez Judy Case Yvonne Cleaver
Peggy Gonzales Mary Vandeberg Esther Archuleta
Pat Montez Gale Miller Pat Rotolo
Kathy Turner
Medium Quilts 40"x60" – 70"x90" (Pink slips)
Elizabeth Martin Linda Pace Cathy Hamilton
Carol Nachtigall Janice Jones Barbara Bell
Marcella Worthington Sara Warren Jill Jespersen
Cynthia Ortiz-Fuentes Donna Austin Cheri Walker
Paula Fredrick Donna Paulsen Diane May
Kay Loudenberry
Large Quilts (Green slips)
Maryellen Naughton Donna Pierce Naomi Zebry
Linda Collins Mary Ellen Rhea Alice LaDuke
Renee Helgeson Debbie Marsh Eloise Wenzel
Teresa Grice Julie Racine
- Stitcher's Garden was opening today at 12:00 since last week's meeting had to be canceled. Stitcher's Garden is also looking for two (2) part time employees.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane May
Several members asked questions at the September meeting about how someone is nominated to receive a Quilt of Valor. See the discussion under Announcements.